3 Tips to instantly improve your Speaker Bio

You may be surprised to know that when I was looking for new speakers to add to the bureau roster I often chose or rejected speakers based on their bios.

You thought I was going to say videos, didn’t you?  That too, of course.  But the bio is just as important when it comes to selecting the right speaker.

The bio tells your booker why they should trust you, that you have the expertise and experience to talk about what you talk about.  But most bios don’t tell the bookers what they need to know.

I’ve got 3 tips for you to help you improve your bio so that you get shortlisted and booked more often:

  1. Have a strong strapline, claim to fame, headline.

Whatever you want to call it, bookers need to know how to refer to you – I have a couple of                straplines: Speaking Business Strategist and Former International Speaker Bureau owner and Agent.  I’ve been called other things too, but these I’m happy using in a bio 😊

Avoid using the usual; keynote speaker, international speaker, coach, motivational speaker, as these don’t differentiate you from all the other speakers out there.

  1. Make sure that the content of your bio speaks directly to your booker and their audience.  It’s so important that all your content is aimed at the people you want to be booked by. If it’s relevant or topical for them then don’t include it.  That also applies to your strapline of course, it needs to be a title that speaks to who you are wanting to work with.
  2. Talk about the outcomes you deliver. When it comes down to the final decision the booker wants to know what’s in it for the audience, what are the outcomes that you will deliver, whether it’s making them feel differently or do something different make sure it’s in the bio.  And the stronger the outcome, the higher the fee you can charge.

If you need help getting clear on your target market, your strapline and your outcome, you know where I am, book a call, let’s have a chat and see if I can help.


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