Being a great podcast guest - hints & tips

This week marks our 200th podcast episode and so it seemed right and proper to share content on what’s on everybody’s mind, not only speakers.
Our guest is Professor Hugh Montgomery. You might know him from the documentary that went into his ICU in 2020 when Covid was at its worst – The Story of Us. If you haven’t, its worth a watch. These are the questions I asked as they were on my mind, and many I have spoken to:
- Is Covid really over?
- Do we need to be worried about Monkey Pox?
- What will happen next?
- What do we need to do differently?
Some eye-opening content and great practical advice. Please listen and share.
And as we have achieved our 200th episode, let me share with you what the podcast has done for me and my business, in case you are considering starting one:
- It has provided us with good consistent content to share (because I chose the format to invite guests, I don’t think I would have achieved this on my own)
- It’s kept me up to date with what is going on in the market and up to date on the speaker’s topics and expertise
- I’ve met lots of new, interesting, and truly inspirational people
- My interviewing and speaking have improved (they needed to!)
- We have attracted invitations to speak for ourselves and our guests
- I now get paid to interview speakers by speaker bureaus
For us podcasting has been a good addition to our business. But like everything else, it takes time, consistency, and hard work. I couldn’t do it without the support of Sian Jones, on my team. So, on this 200th episode Sian, take a bow. And thank you all for listening in.
If you'd like to learn more about being a podcast guest, check out our free download - Being a great Podcast guest - hints and tips
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