Are you going to be mingling with bookers next week?

Wherever you are based in the world there will be opportunities for you to spend time with bookers at specialist exhibitions and conferences. I’m talking about meeting professionals – organisers, planners, producers who run events and regularly book speakers.
Where and when Maria? That’s a great question, if you are in the UK, this month the event is The Meetings Show
Pre-covid you could attend this show for free but now if you are not a buyer of meeting services you have to pay. But …. Speakers run events too, right? Showcases, ticketed workshops, masterminds etc….. So, if you happen to be a speaker who hires a venue from time to time to run an event or are planning to do so you can still attend for free. And if you can, do.
Every opportunity to be where bookers are is a place you want to be. Sitting in sessions where you can hear about what concerns them, what is going on in the industry, their challenges etc, and at the same time rubbing shoulders with potential bookers in the audience. If you do go, grab a copy of the exhibitors’ brochure you’ll find a few interesting prospects in there too.
But a bit of advice now that you are feeling all enthusiastic, remember to build the relationship slowly don’t start handing out your speaker pack or one-sheet as soon as you’ve heard the words – “we run conferences and events”.
Good luck and apologies I can’t be with you, I will be on a sun lounger on Lake Garda with my family. But I’ll join you for the next one.
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