What should be on your Speaker website homepage?

You might be thinking about updating your site and giving it a bit of a refresh for 2023 or maybe you are creating a new shiny speaker site.  If you are contemplating what you should include on your home page, this missive is for you.
Here are my thoughts, based on what I would be looking for with my booker’s hat and glasses on.
When I land on a speaker home page, I want to know what that speaker is all about as quickly as possible.  I want the home page to have a strong proposition telling me what the speaker’s expertise is and the outcomes they deliver.  Ideally that should be very clear, succinct, and immediately visible.
Soon after you’ve told me what your proposition is, I like to see a testimonial or two (more if you like), but certainly at least one testimonial telling me the great outcome you’ve delivered for a client.  That would keep me and any potential booker on the page and scrolling for more.
If you need to go a bit deeper into your proposition, then do but do it after a sexy testimonial.  Going deeper means adding context or explaining the relevance and importance of what you are doing and clarifying which audiences benefit most from hearing you speak.
A brief intro to who you are is also helpful on the homepage, a mini bio.  You don’t need to include your full bio here if you have an About page, just tell the reader why you are qualified to talk about what you talk about; your relevant experience/expertise.  
Somewhere prominent on the home page please include your showreel.  If you don’t have one, a video of you speaking to camera will do until you can create a reel.  Any meeting planner/booker looking for a speaker wants to see some video as soon as possible, so it makes sense to include it here.
I love to see logos of organisations a speaker has spoken for - the home page is a great place to put these.
And then optionally you might feature recent blogs or articles or embed your latest social media posts.
Finally, and not optional, add a call to action, whatever that might be.  It could be ‘book a call’ or ‘put a date on hold’ or go for it with ‘book (insert your name)’.
I hope this helps. 
This is my last email newsletter for the year, but I’ll be back in 2023 with more. Wishing you a wonderful holiday season with your loved ones. 

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